What is a molded pulp packaging, or what is a molded fiber?

Release time: 2022-03-26    Time visited:7071

Molded pulp is a clean, wood or bagasse, renewable and biodegradable raw material, usually made from recycled waste paper/cardboard or virgin fibers, which we'll get to later. Although relatively new compared to some of the more traditional paper packaging materials, pulp is rapidly growing in popularity and reputation as a sustainable packaging option for large, custom, heavy, small and fragile products. The design possibilities are endless; from end caps, trays, plates, bowls to clamshell containers and more.

Molded pulp is a recyclable packaging material designed to be recycled again. The pulp fiber material you may encounter will likely have many uses during its life cycle. Due to the nature of pulp, all its products can be recycled at any home or public recycling center. Don't worry if you stumble across it in nature, it will break down completely within 4-6 weeks.